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Committees and Committee Chairs in SFC Constitution and Bylaws as of 2006

Nominating Committee.--The Nominating Committee shall be composed of three members of the Council appointed by the Chair and currently chaired by Tanya Darden, South Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources (

Program Committee.--The Program Committee shall be composed of three members of the Council appointed by the Chair. The Program Committee shall make necessary contacts to provide meeting places, accommodations and any arrangements that will promote the success of the annual meeting and any special meetings. The Committee shall be responsible for developing an interesting and informative program and agenda for the annual meeting. The current co-chairs are Brook Fluker, Arkansas State University ( and Ginny Adams, University of Central Arkansas (

Constitution Committee.--The Constitution Committee shall be the Executive Committee. The Constitution Committee shall draft changes and revisions to the Constitution and Bylaws and present these changes to the Council for vote at the annual business meeting. Council members may recommend changes to the Constitution or Bylaws by submitting such changes to the Secretary for consideration by the Executive Committee. The current chair of the executive committee is Mark Cantrell, Panama City, FL (

Resolutions Committee.--The Resolutions Committee shall be composed of three members of the Council appointed by the Chair. The Resolutions Committee shall draft resolutions in the accepted form and grammar and present the resolutions for discussion and vote. Resolutions shall be passed either by (1) majority vote of the assembled membership at the annual business meeting or (2) majority vote of the Executive Committee. The Resolutions Committee, acting upon approved resolutions, shall contact the appropriate news media or public officials to provide information. Council members may recommend adoption of resolutions by submitting such to the Chair of the Resolutions Committee at least 30 days prior to the annual business meeting. Resolutions will be limited to the management, conservation and protection of southeastern fishes or their habitats, and to resolutions of gratuity or memorial. The current chair is Anna George, Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute (

Proceedings Committee.--The Proceedings Committee shall be composed of the Editor, Associate Editor and three members of the Council appointed by the Chair. The Committee shall advise the Editor, who shall be the Chair of the Committee. The current editor and associate editors are listed under the Current Officers tab.

Awards Committee.--The Awards Committee shall be composed of four members of the Council. The Awards Committee shall develop an awards program, and evaluate and identify qualified Council members for special recognition. The current chair is Loren Stearman, University of Southern Mississippi (

Technical Advisory Committee.--The Technical Advisory Committee shall be composed of Council members as follows: The Executive Committee, two active field biologists from separate States, three college or university faculty members conducting research on southeastern fishes, and three individuals selected from the membership at large. It shall be the responsibility of the Technical Advisory Committee to serve upon the appointment and at the direction of the Chair in providing assistance, technical knowledge and expertise directed toward the conservation of the southeastern fishes and their habitats, and to perform other duties as outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws.

Dissolution Committee.--The Dissolution Committee shall be an automatic committee and shall be composed of the existing officers of the Council.

Special Committees.--Special Committees shall be appointed as needed to fulfill the purposes and objectives of the Council.

Committees and Committee Chairs established after 2006

The four new committees listed below represent past leadership response by the society officers to address significant change in the demography of university biology faculty and the lack of student participation in the previous decade. The overall goal is to re-energize the society by attracting new members, to bring a sense of stability by finding appropriate venues for our annual meetings, to form new alliances with state DNR agencies and their non-game programs, to strengthen SFC's commitment to inclusion and equity in all of its programs, membership, and activities, and to become an active force promoting the conservation of Southeastern fishes. These committees address the most pressing needs of the society. 

Membership Committee.--The Membership Committee is chaired by Malorie Hayes, Southern Union State Community College ( Volunteers are needed to help identify and contact all aquatic nongame state biologists in the Southeast, all students studying southeastern freshwater fishes (especially nongame species), all state and federal agency managers charged with conservation of southeastern fishes and aquatic habitats, and all appropriate river conservation organizations. The SFC should actively engage, contact, attract, and solicit these individuals to join our ranks. The efforts of this committee will result in member growth. 

Meeting Site Committee.--The Meeting Site Committee is chaired by Bernie Kuhajda, Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute ( The committee will investigate options that have been suggested by members and report their findings and recommendation to the Society. Any member wishing to help with this important issue, please contact Bernie.

Website Committee.--The Website Committee is chaired by Jake Schaefer, University of Southern Mississippi ( Volunteers are needed to help with this endeavor. The vision for the SFC website includes extensive and creative use of vivid imagery of Southeastern fishes and their habitats to make the site inherently attractive. The goal is to create and maintain a website that is informative about the society and the fauna it represents. Individuals with expertise in the composition and distribution of the fauna, with technical knowledge of website design and maintenance, and with artistic ability are needed. 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.--The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is chaired by River Watson, Austin Peay State University ( The committee strives to welcome diverse ideas, equitable recognition of accomplishments, and inclusivity of each member, while working with the Membership Committee to ensure SFC membership reflects the full human diversity of the Southeast. SFC will benefit from greater inclusion of scientists from underrepresented backgrounds to promote strength and resiliency across our organization.

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